Create The Life You Want: Mindful Cards by Lili Sinclair-Williams

Mindful Wellbeing Cards

With the pandemic still looming and restrictions ever increasing, it is so essential we look after our mental health and wellbeing. LSW Mind Cards will help with ideas of how to fit a positive habit or action into each day to keep spirits up and maintain wellbeing. LSW Mind Cards was developed by a renown cognitive hypnotherapist & coach – Lili Sinclair-Williams. Her mindful/wellbeing cards are an amazing way to connect with yourself in the present, focus on the now, spread some positivity each day. I asked Lili what inspired her to make such a beautiful thoughtful set of cards, and here is what she has to say:

“When I launched LSW Mind Cards back in late 2018, I had no idea what the future held for us. In particular, I had no idea we would be heading into a pandemic in 2020, who could have predicted that?! Now more than ever, we need to check in with our mental wellbeing regularly and give ourselves more of what makes us happy.

I work as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and back in 2018 I was noticing a particularly profound impact on my clients’ improvement when regularly repeating positive actions or habits daily. In fact, regularly repeating positive actions every day had helped me through some particularly hard times myself. I had noticed how the smaller actions and habits, slowing down and becoming more present helped me far more than any bigger or grander acts. I was noticing how doing something small or brief that made me smile over and over again lead to me feeling happier, more positive and more fulfilled overall. The same was true of my clients.

So, I thought, why not collate 45 of my favourite habits, tools and techniques into a pack of cards. To make it easy to select a different card each day and take the action stated on the card. I wanted to spread this seemingly obvious discovery but one which so few of us realise. It’s the small actions or habits we make every day that define us. As Aristotle said “We are what we repeatedly do” this is true in so many ways if we repeatedly do things which make us happy, what might that lead to?

I wanted the cards to be spread across a number of different categories, so there are five in total. I thought it was important not to solely focus on gratitude or rituals or random acts of kindness but to merge a number of useful and effective ideas to make the most beneficial and varied toolbox of techniques possible. Each category has its own unique benefits and when used regularly they can lead to improved self-esteem, better sleep, increased confidence and wellbeing.

Remember to make time for yourself, particularly for self-care and self-preservation. Be grateful for what you have and learn to love the little things in life. We may not be able to live the lives we had prior to the pandemic but there are amazing positives coming from living slower, more intentional lives. Reconnecting with loved ones, even if it is via video call or discovering new parts of your local area by walking more. Getting out into nature and breathing in the fresh air.

It’s so important we look out for each other through these difficult and often lonely times. Reaching out to others and random acts of kindness are particularly important in getting through this. Calling an elderly relative to check they’re ok or reaching out to a friend you haven’t heard from in a while to let them know you are thinking of them can make all the difference.

2020 has become a year of growth and resilience and there is something special in slowing down and reflecting on what that might mean to you. So, take a deep breath, light a candle and pick a card. Make today the day you focus on you.

You can buy Lili’s Mindfull Cards from our accessories page or by clicking here. 


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